Dear parents and carers,
We hope you have all had a great week . This week the children have enjoyed learning about the different seasons. They enjoyed looking at books about Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. The children also talked about the weather when exploring the garden this week. They enjoyed a range of different activities in the garden giving them the opportunity to explore moving in a range of different ways, ie hop scotch, chasing games, playing with the parachute, bikes and car’s. They enjoyed a frozen insect activity on the tuff tray here they needed to pour water onto the ice to melt it to be able to get the insect out. They used one handed tools to break the ice. Ie spoons. We have been learning to recognise , name and draw the different shapes on the white board. The children splashed in the bubble’s seeking out a range of different animals to name encouraging them to use simple words in play. Our children have been learning to follow their snack time routine, encouraging them to make choices independently and developing self care skills. This weeks Am ⭐️ of the week is Huzaifa for being more confident and playing well with others. Our Pm Star ⭐️ of the week is Nylah for settling in well into nursery. Well done to you both keep up the good work. I would like to kindly remind parents and carers to please fold up the buggies at drop off time to ensure that there is enough room for everyone. Also a reminder for parent’s to please return your Tower Hamlets funding forms to the nursery as soon as possible.Thank you. We hope you enjoy your weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week. Dawn and Toddler room staff.
Dear Parents And Carers,
This week the preschool have been focusing on The Very Hungry Caterpillar Book! 🐛 The children have been making their own Very Hungry Caterpillar! By using their fine motor skills to paint the paper plates! The children have also been making their own Butterfly using a range of colour paints! 🦋 The children have made their own Caterpillar Cocon by doing paper mache! The children have also been talking about what the caterpillar eats and paint printing the food the caterpillar eats!🍎 The children have been exploring colours by naming them, mixing them and sort colours into bowls and using tweezers to match. The children have also been making marks using a variety of mark making tools. They have also been attempting to write / copy some letters of their names by looking at their name cards and letter blocks. The children have enjoyed getting back into our weekly dance sessions, where they are exploring how to move, copy actions and sing familiar songs! The children have been enjoyed looking at the different animal environments and where they live. The children have been talking about how the caterpillar lives outside 🐛and how some animals live on the farm. 🐖🐄🐑 This week star of the weeks are: ⭐️AM- Iqra for settling well into preschool! ⭐️PM- Amal for settling well into preschool! Well done! ⭐️😊 We hope you have a lovely weekend and see you next week! From The Preschool Team😊 Dear Parents And Carers,
We hope you have had a great week. The children in Toddler room have enjoyed a range of fun activities this week. They really enjoyed our All about me activity giving them the opportunity to talk about themselves. They talked about hair, naming eyes, nose, mouth. They made their own choices using various different materials. then made amazing self portraits which are on our window display outside of Toddler room. We had a farm animal tuff tray to develop their play skills. Ie playing with other’s and naming different animals and exploring the sounds that they make. We had dinosaurs on display to encourage the children to use a range of one handed tools to draw / paint their own dinosaur, As it is nearing Autumn the children have been working on leaf printing for our Autumn display, giving them the opportunity to talk about different things they can see outside teaching them knowledge and understanding of the world and developing their mark making skills. We had a mini beast activity on the tuff tray, exploring different insects and making marks in the foam. We had a vet activity where the children enjoyed role playing with our stable and horses, developing their imagination and giving them the opportunity to talk about different occupations. Ie. Vets. They had a fun activity making biscuits, here they explored different ingredients, using one handed tools, stirring, mixing , rolling and cutting and weighing. Our Am Star ⭐️ of the week is Clark for being more confident in playing with others and using more words. Our Pm Star ⭐️ of the week is Arhaan for being more confident and verbal during play. Well done 👏. We hope you all have an enjoyable weekend. We will see you all next week. Dawn and Toddler room staff. Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you have had a lovely week! Pre-school have enjoyed playing in the garden during the sunny week and exploring how to move in a range of ways. The children have been exploring the tuff tray looking at differently environments and places. The children have been expanding on their imaginative play by using different small world toys and props. The children have really enjoyed looking after the babies! Pretending to feed them, change the, and even talk about their own self-care needs. The children have also been exploring how to use a range of one handed tools during a variety of activities. e.g. using scissors to cut paper, pens and pencils to make marks and paint brushes to paint. Our stars of the week this week are: ⭐️AM- Umaima for settling well into preschool! ⭐️PM- Musa M for doing well in toilet training! Well done!⭐️😊 We hope you have a lovely weekend! From The pre-school team. Dear parents and carers
This week preschool have been talking a lot about transitioning to their new schools in September and what it will be like e.g. meeting new teachers and making new friends. A lot of the children have been visiting their new schools and meeting their new teachers. This week our am star of the week is Maryam C for using the the toilet confidently and our pm star of the week is Madeina for confidently taking about her new school she will be starting in September. Well done to you both keep up the good work. Just a few reminders that today Friday 12th of July is the last day to order your child’s photos for free delivery to the nursery. Next week on Wednesday 17th of July we will be having our leavers party, unfortunately parents and careers can not attend and the nursery will be providing food and drinks for the children. Next Friday the 19th of July is our last day before we break up for the summer holidays. We hope you all have a lovely weekend Jenny and preschool girls Dear parents and carers
This week Toddler room have been talking a lot about transitioning to their new schools in September and transitioning to Preschool, what it will be like e.g. meeting new teachers and making new friends. This weeks Am star ⭐️ of the week is Muhammad for being kind to his friends and playing nicely. Our Pm Star ⭐️ of the week is Noor for settling into nursery. Well done to you both keep up the good work. Just a few reminders that today Friday 12th of July is the last day to order your child’s photos for free delivery to the nursery. Next week on Wednesday 17th of July we will be having our leavers party, unfortunately parents and careers can not attend and the nursery will be providing food and drinks for the children. Next Friday the 19th of July is our last day before we break up for the summer holidays. We hope you all have a lovely weekend Dawn and Toddler room girls. Dear parents and carers
This week preschool was very excited to see the butterflies 🦋 when they came to nursery on Monday and in the week we released them. You can see the videos and pictures of this. They also painted their own butterflies and spoke about the experience of how the butterflies formed and what colours they were. We have this week been talking about personal hygiene and the importance of self care and brushing teeth. The children really enjoyed the activities both inside and out in the garden, pretending to brush the dolls teeth. Helping to develop their own self care needs. Some of the children have had school and home visits this week and it’s been lovely hearing about their new schools and teachers. This week our am star of the week is Madiha for playing nicely with others and our pm star of the week is Ayaan Ali for communicating more with his peers. Well done to you both keep up the good work. Just a few little reminders. Next Friday 12th of July 2024 is the deadline for free postage and packaging for your child’s school photo if you are ordering to be delivered to the nursery. You can still order after this date but will have to pay the postage and packaging to be delivered. Can I also remind you that children are not allowed on the stones or throw the stones in the car park, as this can cause damage to vehicles parked on the driveway or to another child. We hope you have a lovely weekend Jenny and preschool girls Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope you have all had a good week. Toddlers have had another fun week exploring a range of exciting activities. We had a coloured ice cube and shaving foam tuff tray for children to explore colour change and talk about the sensory aspect, ie. How does it feel ? Hot or cold? We had a range of different one handed tools dough cutters, scissors to develop hand eye co ordination and fine motor skills. The children enjoyed the pasta activity filling and emptying pots and pans using large spoons. We hid letter moulds in the shaving foam for children to find, encouraging them to identify and name the letters. In the maths area we had a range of puzzle’s for children to identify what they see and complete independently with and alongside adults and children to encourage them to play together. In our book corner we set up a puppet theatre to encourage the children to develop their imagination and create their own stories. This weeks Am Star ⭐️ of the week is Safeerah for settling in well and playing nicely with other’s. Our Pm Star ⭐️ of the week is Amir for displaying good behaviour. Well done 👏. Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week. Dawn and Toddler room Girls. Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you have all been enjoying the lovely weather. This week the children have been enjoying the lovely weather in the garden, they especially enjoyed playing in the water. It kept them cool. We now have 4 beautiful butterflies 🦋. The children have really enjoyed learning about the life cycle of their caterpillar’s. Watching them emerge from the cocoon. Today we will be setting them free. Toddler’s have enjoyed the farm tuff tray where we made muddy puddles,the children played with the animals in the mud and then cleaned them,With a bowl of soapy water. We had blue water to represent the sea with sea creatures to talk about habitats. The children were exploring the different shape mould’s and drawing round them using chalk to encourage the children to recognise shapes. They explored the tuff tray of mini beasts with green slime and magnifying glasses, a lovely sensory activity. We mixed colour’s on the tuff tray using shaving foam , different coloured paint with paint brushes. This weeks ⭐️ of the week are Tania for beginning to settle in and Yameen for being gentle and kind. Well done 👏. We hope you continue to enjoy the beautiful weather, have a great weekend. Dawn and Toddler room staff. Dear Parents and Carers, We hope you have all been enjoying the lovely weather. This week the children have been enjoying the lovely weather in the garden, they especially enjoyed playing in the water, keeping them cool. Our butterflies are still in their cocoons and hopefully next week we will have beautiful butterflies 🦋 which we will be able to release. The children have been talking a lot about their new schools they will be starting in September and we have been providing activities such as creating a school theme and reading and talking about meeting their new teachers and making new friends. With the lovely weather we have had this week we have created a beach theme for children to develop the imagination during play and talk about their past or upcoming holidays. Explaining what they did at the beach at what they see. We have been talking a lot this week about healthy and unhealthy food and the children did amazingly knowing what food is healthy and not healthy. Our am star of the week this week is Maryam Islam for begin completely toilet trained and Musa for using more words during his play and communicating with others. Well done to you both keep up the good work. Just a reminder that next week Monday 1st, Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd of July, preschool have the parents meetings if you would like to sign up. We hope you all have a lovely weekend Jenny and preschool girls |
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