Dear parents and carer’s,
I hope you have had a good week. This week in Toddler room the children have enjoyed using one handed tools to help develop hand and eye coordination and fine motor skills. ie. Paintbrushes , sponges for printing, to make our beautiful wall displays. The hungry caterpillar, Transport and our Healthy eating board. The children enjoyed exploring our Autumn tuff tray, talking about what they could see, and what does it feel like? This weeks Am star of the week goes to Noureen for participating well at story time. Our Pm star of the week goes to Zayn for doing good tidying up. Well done Noureen and Zayn! Winterton bear has been busy this week having lot’s of fun baking cakes and having sleepovers with the children.Thankyou for taking such good care of him. Have a lovely weekend, see you next week. Please can we just remind you all that when in the Nursery building you are not permitted to use your mobile phones. This is for the safeguarding of all our children and advice from the Department for Education and the Local Authority. We would really appreciate everyone’s cooperation with this as we are seeing an increase in parents using phones in the nursery. We are also starting to see a small minority of parents who are not folding their buggies again which is unfair on those parents who do. Our numbers are increasing weekly and folding buggies is the only way we can accommodate them all in the shelter. If you are unable or unwilling to fold your buggy, please ensure that you take it home. Dawn and all Toddler room staff.
Dear parents/carers
Preschool this week have been very excited about our trip to Mudchute Farm, talking about the different animals and about feeding them. The children, parents and staff all had a go at feeding the animals making it an enjoyable day for all. The children were all so well behaved. Thank you to the parents who attended the trip, we hope you enjoyed yourself. They have also been work hard on using the phonetic sounds when drawing, sounds out familiar sounds we have been practicing at nursery. They have been using letter cards to trace with their finger and then use what they have traced to write in sand and it was amazing to see so many do this. This week our stars of the week are Elora for settling into nursery and Ubs for always being polite and helpful towards others. Well done keep up the good work. Please can we just remind you all that when in the Nursery building you are not permitted to use your mobile phones. This is for the safeguarding of all our children and advice from the Department for Education and the Local Authority. We would really appreciate everyone’s cooperation with this as we are seeing an increase in parents using phones in the nursery. We are also starting to see a small minority of parents who are not folding their buggies again which is unfair on those parents who do. Our numbers are increasing weekly and folding buggies is the only way we can accommodate them all in the shelter. If you are unable or unwilling to fold your buggy, please ensure that you take it home. Hope you all have a lovely weekend Jenny and pre-school girls Dear parents/carers
Pre-school this week have been doing lots of different activities to help develop their fine motor skills and hand and eye coordination, by using a range of one-handed tools and really enjoyed commenting on their paintings or mark makings. The children have been helping to create our Under the Sea display in the room and this week they painted the sky, sand, made footprints and animals they have seen in the sea. One child saying “it’s a shark.” This week our star of the week is Yusra C for settling into nursery and Zaya for listening at story time and helping to tidy up. Well done to you both, keep up the good work Next week is our trip to Mudchute farm. We will be leaving on Tuesday 26/9/23 at 9:15 am for our morning session and returning back by the end of the session. Our afternoon session will be going on Thursday 28/9/23 and leaving at 1:15pm and returning back by the end of the session. Children that are doing full days have been given the session your child will be attending. Can I kindly ask for the parents who have not returned their child’s permission slip to do so ASAP and the £1 donation so we can finalise numbers of children attended and provision made for the children not attending the trip. Can I ask the slip and money is handed back to myself or one of the girls by Monday for both sessions please. Parents who are attending the trip when dropping your child off to nursery you can stay in the room as we will be leaving promptly at the times stated above and will debrief you on what’s going to happen on the day. We have enjoyed looking at the photos uploaded of the Winterton Bears over night stays. Hope you all have a lovely Jenny and preschool girls x Dear parents and carers,
We hope you have had a good week. This week the children have enjoyed practising their fine motor skills, threading pasta that they painted last week. We talked about the different colours that we could see, with one child saying “ rainbow”. The children enjoyed playing with the farm and animals. The children were learning what the animals are called and some of the children were making animal sounds and we’re able to name them, enhancing their communication and language and knowledge and understanding. They enjoyed a lovely collage activity, glueing and sticking. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Dawn and Toddler room staff. Dear Parents/Carers
We hope you have all had a lovely week and been enjoying the lovely weather. Pre-school have been exploring various materials and textures to describe what they see and feel, helping to develop their understanding of concepts such as hard and soft. They have been using a range of different constructional materials to build their own arrangements helping on their imaginative play with others. Next week we are going to be starting taking Winterton Bear home for a sleepover. Gill has already put up a memo explaining how it works. Can we kindly ask that when he is returned that all items in the bag are also returned ready for another child to take home. You could upload photos onto tapestry of their sleepover/adventures with your child. Pre-school are planning a trip to mudchute farm and next week all parents will be handed a letter containing information about the trip, times and dates. Could you kindly hand back the form giving permission or no permission to one of the girls in pre-school so we know who can attend or not. If you would not like your child to attend then they are still welcome to come to nursery and will spend their time upstairs in the toddler room. Our star of the week is Shah for settling in full days and our afternoon star of the week is Pretty for settling into pre-school. Well done to you both keep up the good work! If any parents have any old small pots and pans that they no longer use, could you kindly donate them to pre-school. Hope you have a lovely weekend Jenny and preschool girls Dear parents/carers,
I hope you have a good week. Toddler room have had a great time settling in and exploring their environment. They were learning about different occupations by engaging in a fire men / fire station activity helping to develop their imagination and knowledge and understanding of the world. Toddlers had great fun playing in the shaving foam/paint exploring mixing colour’s using large paint brushes and the sensory experience , touching and feeling. We had a small puppet show in our puppet theatre where the children enjoyed interacting with their friends and carer’s. We were playing in the water with the sea animals talking about what lives in the sea. Toddlers enjoyed baking biscuits this week encouraging them to mix and cut. Finally Our star of the week in the morning goes to Shifa coming into nursery happy everyday. Our afternoon star of the week goes to Sadiq for always being kind and using good manners. Welldone! Have a great weekend from Dawn and Toddler room staff. Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back everyone! The children have been exploring the room and getting back into their routines. The children have really enjoyed playing with the Peppa pig house and playing in the role play area, pretending to feed the babies and make food for the staff. They have also enjoyed some physical activities in the garden area on the bikes! We kindly ask parents not to bring water bottles to nursery as we provide water and milk and cups etc in the session. Have a lovely weekend. From Dawn and the toddler room staff. Dear parents/carers.
We would like to welcome all our children back to nursery and welcome all our new children starting over the upcoming weeks. We hope you all had a lovely summer holiday and we have been enjoying listening to all the fun stuff the children have been doing. This week the children have been settling back into nursery and have done an amazing job. Can I kindly remind parents that you don’t need to provide your child with a water bottle as we provide water to all children throughout both sessions. There has been occasions where other children have picked them up by mistake. Hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine ☀️ Jenny and pre-school girls |
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