Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED)
Winterton House Nursery was last inspected in 2018 and received a rating of Outstanding.
"Children are highly engaged and motivated to learn. They make rapid progress in all areas of learning. Their language development is very successfully promoted through a wide range of timely interventions and initiatives. They learn to do things by themselves and show sustained interest and concentration in activities"
"Parents talk very highly about the nursery. They trust staff to care for their children. Staff share information about children's progress and development and value parents' contributions to their children's time at the nursery"
"Highly effective partnership working has very positive outcomes for children. Staff rigorously promote equality, diversity and British values, meeting the needs of the community."
"Teaching is highly effective and consistent, without exception, and staff are highly skilled in 'tuning-in' to children."
"Pre-school children are encouraged to mark make and learn numbers through exciting activities resulting in them being well prepared for school."
"Staff empower children to know right from wrong. They show respect for others and demonstrate consistently high levels of positive behaviour."
"Children make exceptional progress in their learning given their starting points and capabilities."
You can download our full Ofsted report from 2018 here
You can also download our report from 2014 here